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Fluoride on Trial Part 2. Case Closed.

In July 2021, I wrote a newsletter on a suit brought against the federal government's Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) about removing fluoride from drinking water throughout the U.S. If you would like to refresh your memory, click this link.

The suit against the government began in 2016 and when I wrote the newsletter in 2021 the judge in the case, Judge Edward Chen, was expected to announce a decision within months. The attorney for the case Michael Connett had presented overwhelming evidence from studies showing that ingesting fluoride had many more side effects than was known when the practice of water fluoridation started in the 1950’s. Additionally, under cross-examination, government health officials admitted to a dearth of safety testing. The trial presented evidence of lowered IQ levels in children, increased risk of ADHD, autism, and other cognitive problems. In adults it could cause severe arthritis, osteoporosis and bone loss leading to increased risk of fractures, thyroid disease, kidney disease, gastrointestinal problems and cancers. All of this was presented in consideration for instituting a change in policy.

The attorney’s father Paul Connett PhD is a chemistry and toxicology expert who started the Fluoride Action Network and has been an outspoken critic of fluoride for decades. Dr. Connett said in an interview this month that there are over 70 studies showing decreased IQ levels in children. Dr. Connett acknowledged a deceptive study from Grand Rapids Michigan that was done in the 1950’s by a non medical economist which claimed a 65% reduction in tooth decay despite an increase of dental fluorosis (bone mottling). This resulted in fluoridation being hailed as a modern medical marvel many still consider today. Despite the evidence to the contrary, the CDC lists water fluoridation as the ninth most important health intervention of the 20th century. Dr. Connett’s son, attorney Michael Connett in another interview brings forth more details about the long and misleading history of water fluoridation. For instance in the 1970’s doctors discovered that dialysis patients were being harmed with a bone disease (osteomalacia) from fluoridated water. On November 13th 1979 two days after an unreported spill of hydrofluosilicic acid (the compound used to fluoridate water) into the Annapolis Maryland public water supply, 8 patients undergoing dialysis became ill and one died. This resulted in a change of protocol for dialysis patients in the 1980’s where filtration for fluoride was done before a patient would receive dialysis. At one time fluoride was being used to treat hyperthyroid patients because it was known that fluoride would decrease thyroid function. If it can decrease thyroid function in a hyperthyroid patient with a high dose, might exposure to fluoride over time cause hypothyroidism in a normal person? A 2015 study from the U.K., results showed that fluoridated water supplies led to twice the amount of hypothyroidism than non fluoridated water supplies.

Despite this knowledge and knowing that fluoride accumulates in bone tissue there has been no attempt by the government to change its policy. The renowned Cochran Group reviewed the literature and determined there was no benefit at all from water fluoridation. In the past several decades ninety-eight percent of Europe has banned fluoridation of water. Here in the U.S., 13 states have mandated fluoridation for the water but it is still up to individual municipalities to decide if they want to comply and about 75% of Americans live in a municipality where fluoridation takes place.

After weighing all the evidence Judge Edward Chen reached a final decision that is in an 80 page report released this month and can be summarized in this statement.

“The court finds that fluoridation of water at .7 milligrams per liter (mg/L), the level presently considered “optimal” in the U.S. - poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children…the court finds there is an unreasonable risk of such injury, a risk sufficient to require the EPA to engage with a regulatory response…One thing the EPA cannot do, however, in the face of this court’s finding, is to ignore that risk.”

This verdict by Judge Chen ends a two generational battle from the Connett family and their desire to reveal the truth about fluoride, and the multi-generational insult to the American public from a governmental bureaucracy blinded by scientific myth.

Final Thoughts

Because of this recent ruling there is talk of the new administration taking a bold stance and outlawing fluoride use in the U.S. water supply. Most of the media is reporting that this would be dangerous to our dental health if this is done. Removing one unnecessary toxin from the environment by ending water fluoridation would be a monumental correction to a problem that has been going on far too long. Using fluoride topically in the mouth with toothpaste and mouthwash has its own set of problems by wiping out the beneficial bacteria of the oral microbiome, or being inadvertently absorbed sublingually. However people will still be able to buy and use fluoridated toothpaste and mouthwash if they choose to protect their teeth topically with the use of these products

Happy Thanksgiving!

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